NAPO New York
6:45-7:00 pm
Meeting Opens
7:00-7:30 pm
Chapter News
New Members Welcome!
Business Partner Spotlights
7:30-8:30 pm
Organizing for Weight Loss with Deborah Gussoff - Rescheduled from January.
Did you know that the average American gains five to eight pounds in the weeks between Halloween and New Year’s Day?
Do your clients have multiple sizes of clothes in their closet? Are they hesitant to get rid of smaller sizes because “when I lose 20 pounds, those clothes will fit me?” Does that frustrate you because you know if there was less (unworn) clothing taking up space, their closet could be better organized? Do you look at their kitchen and wonder how to set them up for weight loss success?
Certified Professional Organizer® Deborah Gussoff, past-President of NAPO-NY and author of Organizing for Weight Loss: A Slim Little Guide to Getting Thinner, will speak on May 1, 2023 about “Organizing for Weight Loss: Tips for You and Your Clients to continue 2023 on a Positive Note.” She will discuss the importance of “Knowing Your Why,” how to set SMART goals, how to organize your time and schedule, as well as your kitchen, for weight-loss success.
You will leave with information, ideas, and strategies so you can help your clients shed unwanted weight and stuff.
Planetarium Station
127 W. 83rd St., Box 57
New York, NY 10024
NAPO-NY, INC. is a legal entity separate and distinct from NAPO Inc. (the National Association of Productivity and Organizing Professionals) and is not entitled to act on behalf of or to bind NAPO, contractually or otherwise. © NAPO-NY. All rights reserved.
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