NAPO New York
6:45-7:00 pm
Meeting Opens
7:00-7:30 pm
Chapter News
New Members Welcome!
New Board Member Inductions
7:30-8:30 pm
Main Program
Ever have a client relationship that just isn’t working: A client who calls you at all hours, who is never happy with any of your work, or who is downright hostile or abusive? If you haven’t, and most of us have, it is likely just a matter of time before you face a client fit dilemma.
Join the NAPO-NY June Chapter meeting, June 6th at 6:45pm EDT when NAPO's own, Lauren Mang, CPO, owner of Let Me Organize It will present:
Managing Difficult Clients with Clear Boundaries
Whether you're new to the organizing profession or a seasoned veteran, we all run into difficult clients and agonize over dealing with them in a kind but firm manner. Identifying, setting, and maintaining clear boundaries is key. In this session, we'll examine several case studies and attendees will participate on how they would handle the situation. I'll reveal how I handled each situation, highlighting what to do, what not to do, and how to implement those clear boundaries!
SESSION OBJECTIVES: -Identify, set, and maintain clear boundaries for all clients. -Learn to recognize difficult clients in advance through case studies, so you see the red flags early on, and can determine how to handle the situation. -What to do once you've begun working with a client and you now realize it's no longer a good fit (i.e. how to exit gracefully and kindly). -Walk away feeling more confident in your ability to handle any client relationship and enforce your boundaries.
CEU’s will be offered
As a compassionate, kind, and mindful organizer with a focus on holistic organizing, Lauren helps clients discover the FUN in the fundamentals of organizing. After a decade in the Fine Arts industry, living in New York, London, and Los Angeles, she relocated to San Francisco, started Let Me Organize It and joined NAPO in 2014.
Lauren has held many volunteer roles through NAPO National and her local chapter, earned her CVPO™ in 2020 and her CPO® in 2021. Lauren's other professional interests include public speaking, local volunteer opportunities, and developing educational programs. When she's not working -- who are we kidding, she's always working -- she can be found distracting herself on Instagram or with her guilty pleasure, binge watching anything on Bravo!
Planetarium Station
127 W. 83rd St., Box 57
New York, NY 10024
NAPO-NY, INC. is a legal entity separate and distinct from NAPO Inc. (the National Association of Productivity and Organizing Professionals) and is not entitled to act on behalf of or to bind NAPO, contractually or otherwise. © NAPO-NY. All rights reserved.
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